Saturday, April 5, 2014


This is, believe it or not, a dog toy.  "The toy that smiles back."

This can really be a child's toy, or dog toy.

This is a dog toy.

While this toy was made for children, we actually use it for a bird toy.
This is a bird toy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

ISO project

Homework #7

-Due:  Next Monday
-5 High quality pics.  (Need guidelines of Composition)
-Pics of Toys
-Try to represent toys in a human living fashion.  (Doing something a human would do.  ie. a Lego toy reading a book)

New Assignment- Unlikely Hero

1) Need at least one pic of someone who is  hero to you.  (Can also be a video). 

Note: it will be seen by many people.

Due: Whenever, keep bring pics in.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Framing pictures, modified.

Inert of guitar pic

Invert of coin in prism

Bamboo plant black and white

Green hue to light

Friday, March 21, 2014


My mother's bamboo plant framing a star ornament

My new guitar.  The label is framed by the hole in the body.

This is a picture of a prism reflecting the image of a quarter that is underneath it.

The light bulb of this chandelier is framed by the plastic frame around it.

The legs of a stool framing an outlet.