Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Framing pictures, modified.

Inert of guitar pic

Invert of coin in prism

Bamboo plant black and white

Green hue to light

Friday, March 21, 2014


My mother's bamboo plant framing a star ornament

My new guitar.  The label is framed by the hole in the body.

This is a picture of a prism reflecting the image of a quarter that is underneath it.

The light bulb of this chandelier is framed by the plastic frame around it.

The legs of a stool framing an outlet.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Homework #5

Take pictures with interesting framing,
Attempt to enhance subject (for extra credit)
5 Pictures
Due next class: Monday the 24th
Try to use different modes on cameras. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Surprise pics

Please Note: All subjects gave permission for me to use their pic (after i showed it to them). 
My mother on her tablet

I attended an eagle project and took a few pics here.

My friend with his health baby

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Homework #4 Surpirse pictures

Due next Tuesday. 
5 pictures of family and friends. 
Taken when subject is not looking.  Be in natural setting.
10 pics for extra credit.
Can use Photoshop to edit for extra credit.
1 animal shot (optional)

ISO Project

Friday, March 7, 2014

Homework #3 Food

Staring with the dough.  At this point the lighting is all natural, for the pizza is by a window.

The dough out of the package

The dough rolled out

Add sauce

Spread sauce (experimenting with flash)

Add LOTS of cheese

Add peperoni

put on tray

Put in oven at 400F for about 20 min

The product (At this point the sun is much less of a factor, it is getting dark.  The lighting is now ambient)

ready to cut



Missing two pieces

Found them!

Homework #3 Food

-Ten pictures showing different textures and patterns in food.
-Close ups.
-Could be a progression. 
-Different lighting situations REQUIRED.
-Due Tuesday

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pinhole Project

Land Scape, natural lighting

Profile, Artificial lighting

Still life, ambient lighting