Saturday, April 5, 2014


This is, believe it or not, a dog toy.  "The toy that smiles back."

This can really be a child's toy, or dog toy.

This is a dog toy.

While this toy was made for children, we actually use it for a bird toy.
This is a bird toy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

ISO project

Homework #7

-Due:  Next Monday
-5 High quality pics.  (Need guidelines of Composition)
-Pics of Toys
-Try to represent toys in a human living fashion.  (Doing something a human would do.  ie. a Lego toy reading a book)

New Assignment- Unlikely Hero

1) Need at least one pic of someone who is  hero to you.  (Can also be a video). 

Note: it will be seen by many people.

Due: Whenever, keep bring pics in.